Pull Factors

Through the work of navigators and missionaries that Italians came in contact with the Canadian soil and its native population. The purpose for the first Italians to arrive in Canada were mainly because of land explorations and religious venues. Most Italians that arrived did not settle but those who did were mostly missionaries and priests.

Easy transportation and the opportunities were the two main factors on why Italians immigrated to a new country. In Canada, there were opportunities for "Sojourners." Temporarily jobs were available, as a result, many left their families in Italy to send money that they earned from their jobs and soon returned once work-season ended. These Italians were often referred to as Sojourners. Between 1882 and 1914, approximately 120 000 Italians migrated to Canada. However, not all Italian immigrants were planning on staying. In fact, at least half of the Italian immigrants returned to Italy. The reason for this seasonal migration was influenced by the Canadian climate and the family ties left behind in Italy.